Online CE: Residential Home Inspections

Online CE: Residential Home Inspections
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Outline | Online CE Policies
MA RE110R20 and NH E2568 This course looks at the inspection process. What is the role of an inspector and what are their responsibilities? The scope of the inspection will be reviewed, including the elements that are inspected, what is limitation inspectors have and what effects inspections have. The occupancy of the property can also make an impact.
Instructor: Andy Consoli
According to MA & NH Licensing Regulations, you must be present for the entire two hours to earn credit. Please log into the webinar early to ensure you are able to get in. NEAR recommends all attendees participate in the class on a computer or tablet, not a cell phone, to ensure an uninterrupted signal for the full two hour required to get credit. This is an interactive class and your video must be on for the entire 2 hours. In order to remain your Massachusetts Real Estate License, you are required to take 12 hours of Continuing Education credits every 2 years. Credit earned for this course from the Northeast Associations of REALTORS® can be applied to Massachusetts credits only. Credit earned in this course from ABC Real Estate School can be applied to New Hampshire credits only.
CE (MA & NH)